Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Fundamentals of Fishing (Patience)

This past weekend I was fortunate enough to spend the better part of Saturday with my Dad. We went to the 40th Bassmaster Classic in Birmingham to watch a bunch of men and one woman weigh-in some green fish. I know that does not sound exciting, but almost 20 years ago when we were both much younger we were in the same building watching some of these same men weigh-in the Great-Grandparents of these fish we were seeing this day.

Something else that was cool was knowing that these fish were being caught in the same water (Bees Wax Creek on Lay Lake) that my Dad and I had fished before. So why am I blogging about some dumb fish? Well it is not really about the fish it is about the experience and the memories. Sitting there with my Dad watching this show I could think back over many great times we had together on the water; some days catching lots of fish and some days not even getting a bite. Have you ever heard it said, "that is why they call it fishing....not catching?" Well it is true, on of the best things about fishing with a friend, especially your Dad is time together just talking.

So what are the fundamentals of fishing? Well some may say it is the tackle or gear. While learning to tie the right knot on the hook is very important and having the best rod and reel is nice it is not the key ingredient I am looking for.

Some may say it is the bait. And having the right bait and knowing what the fish wants is important. It is also important to know how to bait the hook correctly.

Knowing the right place to fish is also crucial to success; not just the right lake, but the right part of the lake (depth, cover and clarity). Is making the right presentation they key? Maybe, but I am looking for something else.

The key to fishing, friendship and parenting I think is PATIENCE. In fishing you have to learn to wait and hope for a bite and even if it does not come you learn to enjoy the experience. In friendship you learn to accept each other for who you are and love each other even when they may not make the move you want when you want it. In parenthood you learn to be patient because the everyday trials, tests and disapointments will come.

I know my Dad loves me because of the patience he showed when he took me fishing. There are so many times that I did some pretty 'Bone-Headed" things and he kept taking me anyway. I have so many memories and I know he does too of trips that were very trying for him that are funny now but at the time could not have been funny.

I hope he has all the great memories that I have. I have memories of my own daughters' first fishing trips with me and trips with me and PaPaw. I hope when they are my age they remember fishing trips with their PaPaw and Daddy.

In the book "Love Languages" by Gary Chapman one of the 5 Love Languages is Quality Time. And it is one of my primary languages. I know because I took the test. Don't worry you can't fail. So if you haven't been fishing with someone you love lately go on down to the Fishin Hole! One of Andy and Opies favorite places was Myers Lake and many life lessons were taught and learned by Andy whether in Gertrude (the rowboat) or on the bank.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Light to my path (Ps. 119:105)

From my Journal on February 16, 2010 titled "The Blog that wasn't, YET!"

I ran 2.5 miles tonight after 8pm. Shortly into my 5 minute warm-up walk my beagle, Cowboy, ran up behind me under a street light and his shadow scared the mess out of me and then of course I scared him. So after I walked back home and made sure he was back in the fence (and changed my shorts) I got back to my walk then run. "That is all I am gonna say about that." (Forrest Gump 1994)

As I was running at I started thinking about the lights on the track/trail and how much confidence, faith and comfort I had in the light. But in the dark areas I did not feel confident or comfortable.

God's Word like those lights "is a Lamp unto my feet and a light to my path." Without its light and guidance in our life we cannot run the race of life well. If there had been potholes or rocks in my path in the dark places of my run I might have stumbled and injured myself. In life there will be obstacles we must cross, avoid or go through and without the light of God's Word we will surely stumble and fall.

On my run I also thought of my Grandfather, Alton Martin Gill, who lived to be 92 and overcame many obstacle in his long life. I will never forget his words when I moved to Virginia in 1989. "Just keep going" he said. Not meaning to move farther and farther away. But meaning to persevere when life gets hard, "KEEP GOING!" Those words have strengthened my heart, spirit and mind many times since.

Thank you Lord for my Grandad. And I will "Just keep going!" Join me won't you and let's keep going "Back to Mayberry."

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Why Mayberry?

So why am I running to Mayberry you may ask? Well it is quite simple I was born in the early 1960s so I grew up in a much simpler time and place, much like Mayberry, N.C. I am also a huge fan of TAGS (The Andy Griffith Show).

On February 12, 1962 a year before I was born the 51st episode of TAGS aired. It was titled "A Medal for Opie." As some of you may recall in this episode Opie dreams of winning the 50 yard dash in the town Field Day. He was so sure he would win that he put all his eggs in the one basket and only entered that event. Opie trained hard with Barney as his coach and could just taste the thrill of victory as the day approached.

Well as fate or the TV writers would have it Opie not only did not win the race he finished in a miserable last place. Then instead of celebrating with all the participants he sulked away angry and disappointed that he did not get "HIS MEDAL." This became a teaching moment for Andy on how to be a gracious loser (or winner). Andy would have been proud of his son win or lose if he tried his best, but he was disappointed in his only son's attitude after the loss.

So why did this episode cross my mind as I ran? I think that we all do a number of things in our life for our own glory and the admiration of our fellow man. I began running to improve my overall health and endurance and to lose weight. I have began to receive encouragement from others, but also feel better about myself during the training.

But this new venture in running should not be about me it should be like everything else in my life to glorfy God. A passage of scripture that has been motivation for this physical and spiritual journey I have been on is Hebrews 12:1-2.

Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us,
let us also lay aside every encumberance, and the sin which so easily entangles us,
and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of faith who for
the joy set before Him endured the cross,
despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
So in this race of life it is not about me it is about Jesus and what he endured for my sake and for yours. So as I run let me run for the Glory of my God. And Lord please take me back to a place called Mayberry!